
Florian Jaenicke, WHO ARE YOU?

Aufbau - Non-fiction - Hardcover - March 2020 - 176 pages with 52 images

What kind of person is one’s own child and how do I find out how he thinks and feels when he cannot communicate?
How do you live with a child who will never look at you?
What is it like to never speak a word with him?
How do I make the right decisions for my child without his feedback?

Florian Jaenicke is a photographer and showed portraits of his son Friedrich in the weekly ZEIT Magazin, from Friedrich’s birth until today. The photo series documents what life feels like with a severely multi-disabled child. The result is a tremendously moving document of a special family.

  • “"Who are you?" is a father's touching declaration of love.” - Süddeutsche Zeitung

  • “"Who are you" is the most beautiful love declaration you can make to your child.” - Stern