Gereon Klug (1969), born in Siegen, invented songs such as Leider Geil (Deichkind) and claims such as Zum Scheissen reicht's, published the heavyweight studio Braun retrospective Drei Farben Braun, invented the first cookable cookbook, writes scripts and children's books. He praises himself that he has already been published in brand eins, Die Zeit, Spex, the titanic, the Handelsblatt and the Kicker and that he is the only person Harry Rowohlt translated from German into English (and not vice versa). In 2018 his musical Der König der Möwen with Andreas Dorau ran with great success in Hamburg, soon followed by the corresponding novel. Klug founded the music specialty shop Hanseplatte, whose newsletter (written under the pseudonym Hans E. Platte) enjoys cult status and was even published as Low Fidelity in book form. At the moment he cohosts the podcast Auf der Bahn with Rocko Schamoni.
Das Vermächtnis des Wunderlands. Die Jagd nach dem magischen Element (Part 2) Carlsen, 2021
Das Vermächtnis des Wunderlands Carlsen, 2021
Drei Farben Braun – Das große Studio Braun-Buch Schwarzkopf und Schwarzkopf, 2017
Low Fidelity. 70 Briefe gegen den Mainstream Haffmans und Tolkemitt, 2014