Kurt Palm
Kurt Palm, born in Vöcklabruck in 1955, lives as an author and director in Vienna. Palm became known with the celebrated TV production "Phettbergs Nette Leit Show" (1994-96). His bestseller "Bad Fucking" (Residenz 2010) was awarded the Friedrich Glauser Prize for the best German-language crime novel of the year in 2011 and was also successful as a film. In 2012 he received the Upper Austrian Culture Prize for Film, and in 2017 the Franz Josef Altenburg Prize of the Salzkammergut Festwochen Gmunden. In 2017, his play "Ein Sommernachtstraum oder Badewannengriffe im Preisvergleich" was nominated for the Nestroy Theatre Prize. In 2023 he received the city of Vienna’s Leo-Perutz-Prize.
Der Hai im System
Roman, Leykam, 2022
Roman, Deuticke, 2019
Roman, Deuticke, 2017
Bringt mir die Nudel von Gioachino Rossini. Kein Spaghetti-Western.
Roman, Residenz, 2014
Die Besucher
Roman, Residenz, 2012
Bad Fucking
Roman, Residenz, 2011