Photo Nina Grützmacher

Photo Nina Grützmacher

Michael Schulte-Markwort

Dr Michael Schulte-Markwort (1956) is the medical director of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf and Altona Children's Hospital in Hamburg. He has been researching the impact of social trends on children for several years and has published many academic articles and books on the subject.

Wie unser Leben mit Kindern gelingt.

Droemer, 2019

Was unsere Kinder belastet und wie wir ihnen helfen können.

Droemer, 2017

Warum der Erziehungsehrgeiz unsere Familien unglücklich macht.

Pattloch Verlag, 2016

Burnout Kids.
Wie das Prinzip Leistung unsere Kinder überfordert.

Pattloch Verlag, 2015