Photo Sebastian Lauterbach

Sina Scherzant

Sina Scherzant studied educational science and worked as a copywriter and lecturer of educational studies, among other things. Together with Marius Notter, she founded the Instagram account Alman_Memes2.0, which makes fun of typical German clichés like over-punctual waiting in front of restaurants, sensitivity to noise in the neighborhood and bad puns.

Roman. park x Ullstein, 2024

Am Tag des Weltuntergangs verschlang der Wolf die Sonne
Roman. park x Ullstein, 2023

Randale, Randale, Trekkingsandale
Rowohlt, 2022 (with Marius Notter)

Ausmalen statt Anzeigen
Rowohlt, 2021 (with Marius Notter)

Noch 3 Treuepunkte bis zum Pfannenset
Rowohlt, 2021 (with Marius Notter)